Monday, December 3, 2007

The End

Wow! Time goes even faster than I could expect! And I like it so much! The EAP is almost over! It was such a good experience, full of fun and excitement. However, I am happy that it is over. We should never turn back! What is gone that’s gone. Life goes fast and we should keep up with its pace…… the only thing left is to PASS the exams. I hope they will go well, with no disappointment. By the way, why should there be any disappointment? As Scott always says,”Test is not a punishment…” I think that if every one would think that way, less people would fail their tests and exams. As I know, the most usual cause of the failure is stress. And stress is usually caused by lack of confidence. I’ve never felt unconfident during the exam. That’s probably why I’ve never failed. Usually I feel a little unsure after the test. I also have that feeling when teacher handing the results back.

Exams, exams, exams… I think this is the hardest time for students. It is hard not only because of the exams, but also because it feels like we are done! Just want to go out all the time. Even now… I’m thinking subconsciously, “what the hell is going on? It is a party time, but instead of hanging out with my bodies, I am sitting here in front of the computer ant typing a blogg.” (JoKe) But seriously, don’t you feel like partying? Staying out a whole night and then sleeping till 6 pm? That is what I am feeling right now. I wander if everyone feels that way. Usually when I feel like that, I cannot study. Even the softest noise distracts me and I cannot concentrate for a really long time. Does everyone know how to deal with it? There are probably many hints. Unfortunately, I don’t know any.


Ghazal said...

Yeah my friend. It is almost over.

hadeel said...

Oh ya I have that feeling too. I want to feel free from studying.