Yesterday I got a post on the facebook. My friend forwarded it to me. It was very short, but for me it meant a lot, and made me think about it for a while. That post was about jobs, drugs, and welfare. In that post the guy wrote that he is a construction worker, and that he works in Fort Mac Murray. Only that means that his job is as hard as hell. He told that in his contract he had to sign a section where he agrees to pass a random urine checks. He also told that his salary is pretty high and that a significant part of it goes towards the Revenue of Canada. He pays taxes to the government and government decides how to spend the money. Part of that money goes to welfare. That guy told that he does not mind to help people getting on their feet, but why government don’t take their urine test before they give the money away? He does not mind helping people; however, he does mind giving money to people who sit on their a** and do nothing but drugs and drinking. For me, that man made a lot of sense, and I also think that the number of people who receive the welfare would decrease significantly after the first check. I drink sometimes, but I never do drugs. In addition, the way I drink is completely different from the way other people do. I pay for my booze with my own money that I honestly earned.
In my opinion, drinking is ok, BUT it is not ok to pay for ones’ drinking. If that welfare would be received by people who need it for life, I think that taxes would go down significantly. I also think that people who write that kind of messages speed up the process of decreasing them. Right after I got the message, I sent it to over 50 of my friends. I hope they forward it to mere people…
1 comment:
Facebook sounds an interesting website, and I will try to register on it.
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