Friday, December 7, 2007

why some people are lower than a snake's belly????

The second story happened to my uncle’s friends. They are Russians too. By that time, they were newcomers and did not know much about local people, laws, and basically anything. Anything that could happen to them. One day their young daughter was walking on the street. She was alone. While she was walking, one crazy driver ran her over. It was pretty bad, but there were no major injuries. I mean no bones were broken. She got many bruises and deep scratches. Driver was very scared. He walked her home and begged parents not to call police. Those people were shocked. They looked at the girl. There was nothing serious. They were happy that their only child was alive. They were very generous and did not report about what happened. For the next month or a little longer, the driver was visiting their house every day. He was not just visiting; each time he came, he brought candy, chocolate, candy, cakes… anything to please the girl. Everything seemed fine. Everyone, parents and girl forgave that driver. They even started to like him. That was not right. When I heard what happened after, I was shocked. Not only shocked… I started to hate the driver. The reason why he used to come to their house with candy was not to please the girl and “earn” her forgiveness. On the contrary, he went there to check if she still has bruises and scratches. A little later than a month, when there was obviously nothing, that driver went to the police office. He claimed against the girl. In his claim he wrote something about vandalism. In other words, he told police officers that he saw that girl damaging his car on purpose. The damage was not severe. There was a crack on the bumper, broken front lights, and the hood bas dented. Two month after the accident happened, that people got a bill. It was over 2,000 euro. When they went to the police, they could not prove anything. There wore no bruises or scratches. Those poor people had to pay that freak for the “damage”.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

why some people are lower than a snake's belly?

No, serious! Why some people are like that? Why they act like they are innocent, when they and everyone knows completely wrong? I recently talked to my uncle about the law, police, witnesses, and evidence. He told me that it is extremely important. He lives in Germany and as I understood, there are more rats than I could imagine. He told me two stories. One happened to him and the other to his friend. The first story or an accident happened to him. He went to walk his dog. The dog was on a leash. It is allowed to unleash some breeds of dogs, but his dog is not very obedient, so he does not unleash him often. He has a beautiful Labrador. While he was walking, he met a lady on the street. She had a Labrador too. She offered my uncle to unleash the dos so they could play. He agreed. While dogs were playing, they moved too close to the lady and Lars, my uncle’s dog knocked that lady down on the ground. He did not attack or jump in her. While he was playing with another dog, he hit lady’s leg with his back. That lady fell down and something happened to her leg. I am not sure if she broke it or cracked. My uncle called emergency. When emergency came, that lady told paramedics exactly ho it was. It was required (standard procedure). A month and a half later, my uncle got a bill to pay. The total was a little over 25,000 euro. As he found out later, that lady did not have insurance or something like that, so she changed her testimony. She told she was walking and Lars jumped on her. It is good that my uncle had the insurance which covered all the expenses.

To be continued...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Another Nice Day

Oh, what can be better than the feeling that you do not owe anybody anything. Everything is done, all the assignments are submitted! The feeling of peace and comfort is filling me. Good music (Trance Forever!!!!), cup of coffee, and a soft chair. Oops, I almost forgot about pen and paper to write the blogg! Basically all my blogging is a free writing. I noticed a strange thing while blogging. (Every time I blogg, I first handwrite) That thing is : as soon as I stop writing, I have to start later again, and I have to start from the beginning. Is soon as I lift my pen, I loose my thoughts…. I think it is the same as when I talk. I can talk for hours, but if someone interrupts me, I forget where I stopped, or even what I was talking about. Does everybody have the same problem? Or I am the only crazy? LOL

About assignments…. We just finished our assignment (presentation) with Matheus. That was fun! I’ve never worked with him before (except the exercises we do in class) and I found that he is responsible (much more responsible than me) I also learned from him a few good strategies, while we were doing our presentation. Before, I used to prepare all the material in advance, what we did today, but I have never prepared visuals. Matheus did that today; I noticed that it takes much less time than when you do it during the process (putting all the pieces together). In total, it took about 4 hours.

Another important thing I found out today is library’s working hours. I newer knew that it is open till 4 am. That really surprised me.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I Really Hate Brainwashing ! ! !

Oh hell! I’m so sick and tired of people saying wrong things. They do not just say them; they say them with 100% confidence. That’s all because of media. You probably wonder why I write this, and why I’m so furious. I’m so angry because of the lecturing I get all the time. Today I was lectured again. Cancer! Do not smoke! You will die of cancer!

First of all, what is the difference what you die of? Cancer, other diseases, or even age? In all of those cases, the result is the same… death. In all three cases people feel bad. I assume that death is never pleasant.

Second, smoking, drinking, or drugs do not cause cancer; all those habits determine where it will appear. Let me ask a few questions. Brain tumor is a type of cancer too, right? If it is right, then where does it come from? Luck of thinking, or maybe the opposite? If it comes from overloading our brain, should we quit education and return to the level where monkeys are? Why not? It will help us to eliminate caner! By the way, in wild, they never have cancer. None of the wild animals have cancer while they are wild. Also, there are two nations that do not know what cancer is. They do not know about it because have never had it, and probably will never have. Cancer is very similar to scurvy (lack of C vitamin). Scurvy used to kill thousands of people. There were many different methods to cure it, but they were as effective as those doctors use to cure cancer. Cancer is as simple as a scarcity of B-17 vitamin.

The reason why almost nobody knows it is a freaking bureaucracy and those people who own those pharmaceutical companies and develop “super effective” treatments. There are a few people in the world who really don’t want us to be cured. The treatment for cancer had been found a long time ago, but because of that people, nobody knows about it. Just think about it. If everybody will be cured, multibillion dollar industry will collapse. All the treatments that are used now, will become nothing. Ok. My temper is gone now. If you want to know more, and I’m sure that you do, there is a link below. The video is about an hour long. It is not official, but I truly believe that every single word there is true.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The End

Wow! Time goes even faster than I could expect! And I like it so much! The EAP is almost over! It was such a good experience, full of fun and excitement. However, I am happy that it is over. We should never turn back! What is gone that’s gone. Life goes fast and we should keep up with its pace…… the only thing left is to PASS the exams. I hope they will go well, with no disappointment. By the way, why should there be any disappointment? As Scott always says,”Test is not a punishment…” I think that if every one would think that way, less people would fail their tests and exams. As I know, the most usual cause of the failure is stress. And stress is usually caused by lack of confidence. I’ve never felt unconfident during the exam. That’s probably why I’ve never failed. Usually I feel a little unsure after the test. I also have that feeling when teacher handing the results back.

Exams, exams, exams… I think this is the hardest time for students. It is hard not only because of the exams, but also because it feels like we are done! Just want to go out all the time. Even now… I’m thinking subconsciously, “what the hell is going on? It is a party time, but instead of hanging out with my bodies, I am sitting here in front of the computer ant typing a blogg.” (JoKe) But seriously, don’t you feel like partying? Staying out a whole night and then sleeping till 6 pm? That is what I am feeling right now. I wander if everyone feels that way. Usually when I feel like that, I cannot study. Even the softest noise distracts me and I cannot concentrate for a really long time. Does everyone know how to deal with it? There are probably many hints. Unfortunately, I don’t know any.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Right or Wrong ???

Yesterday I got a post on the facebook. My friend forwarded it to me. It was very short, but for me it meant a lot, and made me think about it for a while. That post was about jobs, drugs, and welfare. In that post the guy wrote that he is a construction worker, and that he works in Fort Mac Murray. Only that means that his job is as hard as hell. He told that in his contract he had to sign a section where he agrees to pass a random urine checks. He also told that his salary is pretty high and that a significant part of it goes towards the Revenue of Canada. He pays taxes to the government and government decides how to spend the money. Part of that money goes to welfare. That guy told that he does not mind to help people getting on their feet, but why government don’t take their urine test before they give the money away? He does not mind helping people; however, he does mind giving money to people who sit on their a** and do nothing but drugs and drinking. For me, that man made a lot of sense, and I also think that the number of people who receive the welfare would decrease significantly after the first check. I drink sometimes, but I never do drugs. In addition, the way I drink is completely different from the way other people do. I pay for my booze with my own money that I honestly earned.

In my opinion, drinking is ok, BUT it is not ok to pay for ones’ drinking. If that welfare would be received by people who need it for life, I think that taxes would go down significantly. I also think that people who write that kind of messages speed up the process of decreasing them. Right after I got the message, I sent it to over 50 of my friends. I hope they forward it to mere people…

Saturday, December 1, 2007

memories from h/s

The only class I hated in high school was chemistry. I was good at it, but I found it boring and useless. One day we were supposed to have a lab, and my friends from the other class told me that the lab is going to be hard and boring. During that lab we were supposed to observe how acid reacts with the iron. Initially, it sounded boring because every one knew the result, which was supposed to be the rust. Plus to all, we knew that we would do a lot of paperwork such as chemical equations and much more.

I do not know why, but I decided to crush that lab. (Grade 9… I was so enthusiastic and had so many “great” ideas!) I knew that everyone will get a set of mixing tubes, a tube with the acid (30% concentrated sulfuric acid H2SO4), and a nail. I knew it all, for I stole (no! I actually borrowed) from the teacher one of the empty tubes that she usually used with acid. I washed the tube and brought it to the lab. It was filled with water. When we started, I followed all the instructions, using water instead of acid. I showed it to the teacher… she spent a few seconds thinking and looking at it. After that she told that something is wrong with the nail (what a gullible teacher!!!). She also added that it is probably made of copper. I disagreed and told her that the only metal that does not react with acid is gold (she taught us that). I told her that something is probably wrong with the acid… she told that nothing is wrong with it (everybody in the class got their acid from the same bottle and they had the expected reaction). We had a long argument. After 5 or 7 minutes, proving my point, I drank the “acid”. Only after I did that, I understood that I should not have done that…. She was silent, staring at me. Her face was pale, with eyes full of fear. She was shivering. A few seconds after, she grabbed my hand and walked (we were actually running) me to the doctor’s room. While we were running, there were students in the corridor. She yelled them to call the ambulance.

I tried to explain her that it was a joke, but she did not listen to me. When she did, it was too late. The ambulance arrived. Paramedics were very surprised. The first question they asked was, “how come he is talking?” they told that by that time I would probably be dead after a smaller amount of that acid.


I failed that lab. My marks in that class became much lower than they used to be. The whole day I spent in the principle’s office, and I had the longest and the most boring lecture in my life about how to be and how hot to be.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Winter! What a great time! I like all the seasons of the year, but the winter is my favorite! There are so many things you can do during the winter. Ice fishing is season is coming soon. It is actually started already in some places in Alberta! I already got my ice auger sharpened. The only thing that left is to grease my reels and to put some cooking oil or butter on the line (so it will make my line water resistant and I will have no problems with ice on it…) oh, I forgot about one more thing! I have to clean up and organize my tackle box! The most boring thing ever =(( During the spring, summer, and fall I get so much stuff that is basically garbage, but if I throw it out, I will definitely need it next time I go fishing. I think it is a perfect time to get rid of it during the winter because it will get all rusty or rotten before spring comes.
Right now, ice is about three to five cm thick. It is safe to walk on it if there is no underwater current. It often happens that that you drill a hole in one place and the ice is fifty five or sixty cm thick, but when you drill a hole a hundred meters away, ice is only twenty or thirty cm… first ice is the most dangerous; however it is the best! You do not have to drill 50- 90 cm and water is rich with oxygen, which makes fish active. I would like to go if not this week then next… if the weather is good, then I expect an average size of trout to be 25 -30 cm. oops, I just jinxed it….

Monday, November 19, 2007

What a Weekent

What a Crazy Weekend! Usually I don’t party much, but I don’t know what happened to me this weekend. I just went crazy, and I liked it! I used to party all the time, especially summer 2006. During that summer I was grounded for the first time in my life. I was grounded at the age of 19. Isn’t it weird? I haven’t showed up at home for 4 or 5 days(working and partying), and when I finally got home I stayed there for 5 or 7 hours, I told parents that I have to go because I need to meet with my friend and discuss some stuff. My dad really freaked out and grounded me. Now it is funny, but I was so frustrated then.

Ok. Now about the present. On Friday it was my friend’s birthday. She turned 19. Most of the Russians I know got together at Snatch. I still don’t know why we went there… I came the last. My Russian friends, mostly men, are worse than ladies. Half an hour to an hour late for them is considered on time. I don’t know why, but they were on time this time, and around 10:20 they called me and asked where the heck I am… I got there around 11pm. Before I got there my friend told me that he knows bouncers, which meant that I won’t have to stay in line or pay the cover. When I got there I saw John talking to the bouncer at the back door (he didn’t see me), so I decided to get in and join the conversation. I tried… bouncer caught my shirt and started pushing me out. While he was doing that, John yelled,” that is my friend!” bouncer dragged me back in and shook my hand, so I got kind of kicked out even before I came in… and that was only beginning! We stayed there for 2-3 hours and had a lot of fun! Then I had to discuss a couple things with my friend… we left. I don’t know how, but I got lost in that neighborhood. (As I found out later I made a wrong turn) I had to make a u-turn, which I did. Right after I did it I saw a cop right in front of me. How come I didn’t notice him? That was the second funny thing. Not only funny, but also exciting! It was exciting because I didn’t get a ticked, which would be around $200. We din not know where to go, and we decided not to go to the bar (the only open place we knew). We stopped no the parking lot (Ford dealership on McLeod tr.) and talked for 5 or 10 minutes, till security guy came out. I decided to make a joke. When he told us that we have to leave, I told that I am picking a truck… that guy had a good sense of humor… he answered,” should I call cops? They will help you to pick a good one!” We laughed and left. The night was over.

So tired of typing…. I’ll write about the rest of the weekend tomorrow.


Saturday, November 3, 2007

Do i really deserve that???

Today I expected to have a wonderful day…. It started perfectly! I didn’t even sleep in.

Classes went well. No quizzes or any thing unexpected… in nut shell, everything went perfect.

After classes, same as usually, I went to work. At work everything was perfect. I didn’t have any rude customers or small accidents…. Sounds good uh? However this day ended up a disaster.

Half an hour before I was supposed to be off, I heart a sound of typical anti-thief system. I was curious and went outside. I thought somebody hit a car on the parking lot. After I went out I saw my car with lights flushing, and back window was broken. I looked around, but nobody was there. It is impossible do describe how I felt… angry, sad, upset … Honestly, if I saw someone there, that person would end up in a hospital… I tried to calm down… I went to the car and saw a disaster. My backpack was missing. My books, notes, assignments, everything… I went back to the store, called cops, and got even more pissed. They took all my data… I was just about to start swearing at that lady on the phone… she told that I should go home and relax. She told that they will call in a couple of days.

The worst part is that I know who did that, but I have no prove… right before it happened, there were kids hanging around… they got kicked out for loitering. After they left, anti-thief system went off. I called my friend and told him everything, he agreed to come and cruise with me(I could not use my car because it was to cold. I hoped to find that freaks. I don’t know what would happen if I would…. He came within 15 minutes and we spent some time driving around the neighborhood. I hoped to find either that kids or my backpack, or both… I ended pu with nothing… I estimated the amount of money I need in order to fix the window and get my stuff back… $500-600. I keep thinking about that and I can not understand why that people did that. All they can do with my backpack is to throw it out with all the stuff I had there. And I know that they will because they don’t need my books and notes, for them they are worthless, and they wont keep my backpack because of their parents. After all, why would they do that? What did I do to them? I know that I did not do anything, neither good nor bad. Why would they do that to me?

I planned to go out this night, to meet with my old friends, and to have a wonderful time. … life sucks, but what can we do??? exactly! nothing.....

Only now I understand how good it is to blog! At some point it is similar to taking to someone, but you do not think about what other people will think or say about you…

I hope that if one doesn’t like something, he or she will stop reading and forger about it…

I start to like blogging!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Just a couple of days ago, another funny story happened to me. Long time ago when I was 12 or 13 I saw ghosts once, and I got so scared that I ran away. I was so scared that I ran for five minutes or maybe longer, before I turned around to check if they were behind me or not. After I turned around I saw nothing. Pretty much the same story happened to me a couple of days ago. It happened after midnight, when I went outside of my house for a smoke. The weather was very good. It was warm and quiet. The sky was full of stars, and I saw a full moon. I looked at my neighbors’ house, and noticed something that I didn’t see before. On the roof of the house there was a small, creepy humanlike creature with huge head, short, but very thick legs, and thin hands. This time I decided to try to control myself, at least not to run like crazy. I can’t say that I am I coward, but it is hard to describe how scared I was. I heard how my heart was beating, so fast and hard! Then I noticed that I was shivering. For about a minute, I kept staring at that creature and I saw it moving! I saw how it made couple steps towards me then I saw it turning around. For a couple more minutes, I kept staring at it and I noticed it moving. I was just about to freak out, but I made myself to stay and wait for it to disappear (like in books or movies). I couldn’t wait any longer. Staring at that creature, slow but steady, I got closer. (I think that I looked so crazy that if people saw me, they would call a mad house). When I finally got close enough, I saw that “creature” and I was surprised, mad, and ashamed at the same time! The creature with huge head, short, but very thick legs, and thin hands, was my neighbors’ satellite antenna. When I finally understood that, I started to laugh so loud that the neighbors turned the light on. I don’t know how the antenna could move. Probably that was my riotous imagination again.

Monday, October 15, 2007

It took me quite a long time to decide if I should post this blog or not and I finally post it.

Sometimes I get bothered with some philosophical questions, which probably do not have the answer. That is probably the reason why those questions bother me- because there is no answer!
One of those questions is what do I live for. I am just about to turn 20, and about a couple of days ago I thought about that. I remember my childhood like it happened just a second ago (or maybe I am still a big child…) and I am already 20! It scares and surprises me so much! 20 years seems to be a long time, but I didn’t notice how it went through… Sometimes it is hard to wait for 15 or 20 minutes, how come I didn’t notice 20 years went through? 20! I keep thinking if I spent those years right or wrong. I’ve been thinking about what I have done, or achieved for a long time and nothing comes to my mind… nothing good… am I that bad? I hope that I’m not… but then why don’t I remember any good deeds?
I wonder how I will thinkabout tis question later when I’m 60 or 70. Will I think the same or different?
It’s sad that I can not predict the future….